Thursday, May 10, 2012

Röyksopp - The Understanding (2005)

Röyksopp - The Understanding
Genre - Electronic
Released – July 4, 2005 (UK), July 12, 2005 (US)
Length - 58:40
Publisher – Wall of Sound (UK), Astrelwerks (US)

Now many people may not know who Röyksopp are….  In all basic-ness, you know that Geico commercial? 

To my knowledge, this was the US’s introduction to Röyksopp, although that track is not on this album.  I did hear another track of theirs once on the radio but that was a local station that some kids ran. 

Track list –
Only This Moment
49 Percent
Sombre Detune
Follow My Ruin
Beautiful Day Without You
What Else Is There?
Circuit Breaker
Alpha Male
Someone Like Me
Dead to the World
Tristesse Globale

The Understanding is Röyksopp’s second album and lasts for 12 tracks.  For the first half of the disc there are some smooth tones and mellow beats, and some vocals to keep your attention.  It makes for some nice background music, mellow but enough beat to keep you awake

The gem of this disc is track 7 What Else Is There?.  It’s that track that makes you break from your mellow state and actually listen to it.  With a bigger sound and steady female vocals, this track is worthy of the mp3 player.  It almost has a ‘riding a lonely train at night’ vibe to it. 

After the disc woke you up a bit with that track, it picks up the pace directly after on track 8… and then slows down a bit again, and then gets heavy in track 9... and then goes back to mellow until the end. 

This disc is a smooth ride with a hill or two in the middle.

Some of these tracks used samples from other things, but I’m not familiar with them…
“Track 7 contains a sample from 'Kill Me With Your Love' by Jericho, courtesy of A&M Records, a sample from 'Love Me The Life I Lead' performed by The Drifters, courtesy of Bell Records. Track 11 contains a sample from 'Who We Are' written and composed by Andrew Latimer, performed by Camel, courtesy of Decca Records.”

I’m not going to follow my same score method that I did for the last disc I reviewed.  That thing was a wild mess that couldn’t be counted as a whole.  This, however, can be graded as a whole and I generally grade discs out of my own feeling.

7.9 out of 10

BONUS!  There’s a ‘5’ track bonus disc!  Unlike the first disc, this one starts off with a bit of a punch and keeps the pace going until it takes a slower and darker turn until track 5.  But strangely the sneaky buggers added more tracks to this disc.  Unlabeled tracks.

Length – 45:54
Track list -
Go Away
Clean Sweep
Looser Now
Unlabeled Track 6
Unlabeled Track 7 (Only This Moment Redux)
Unlabeled Track 8 (49 Percent Redux)

7.3 out of 10

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